Providing useful information is why Jessica and I wanted to create this blog. But what happened to us about a month ago is what lit a fire under us to start this blog (we moved as quickly as we could given that we have little ones at home). Not only do we want to provide helpful information, we want to save you time. And one way to save you time is to let you know which restaurants are not toddler friendly so you don’t show up with your child.
We consider not having high chairs and booster seats to be baby/toddler unfriendly and are keeping a list to the right.
Tea Leaves and Thyme – Woodstock, GA:
It was Thursday and Morgan and I were meeting Jessica and Samantha for lunch after a doctor’s appointment. On the way to lunch Morgan fell asleep in the car and it began to rain. When we got to the restaurant I had to wake her up and carry her in the pouring rain into the restaurant. By this time we are soaking wet (its almost impossible to carry a sleepy baby and an umbrella). Once inside, I found out that Tea Leaves and Thyme does not have high chairs or booster seats. I was so looking forward to tea and very disappointed given all of the effort it took to get there.
What I find even more disappointing is that I am sure Tea Leaves and Thyme has hosted a baby shower and little girl’s party before. The message I took away is that babies are only welcome before they are born and after they can sit in a regular chair. It’s a shame that Tea Leaves and Thyme missed the opportunity to cultivate two little future customers.
Lucia’s Italian Restaurant – Roswell, GA:
The next day (Friday) our families decided to meet at Lucia’s Italian Restaurant for dinner. I had heard it is a great restaurant and wanted to try it for a long time. When we arrived, we found out they did not have high chairs. Imagine the disappointment, especially after what had happened the day before. I always thought Italian restaurants were about family. And to make matters worse, this restaurant is located in East Cobb. I thought having children was a requirement for moving to East Cobb.
We ended up having lunch that Thursday at Artuzzi’s and dinner that Friday at Boneheads. Both places were child friendly.